Day Of Ashura – One Day Fasting A Year’s Forgiveness Is Promised

Absolution Of Our Sin The Previous Year For Fasting On The Day Of Ashura Allamdulillah the sacred month of Muharram, the month that symbolises migration or moving away from bad behavior and dirty actions to good behaviour and righteous actions is here for us to renew our resolution to be someone better in sha Allah.Continue reading “Day Of Ashura – One Day Fasting A Year’s Forgiveness Is Promised”

Reflection Of New Resolutions In The Migration Month Of Muharram

Alhamdulillah and shookur to Allah that we have just completed our fifth pillar and final ibadah in the month of Dzulhijjah. We have performed our obligatory and voluntary ibadah during this month. We have submitted our body, mind and soul for the sake of Allah and have made our sacrifices. The sacred month of MuharramContinue reading “Reflection Of New Resolutions In The Migration Month Of Muharram”

Trust In Allah, Completely And Whole Heartedly.

As humans or mankind, we must trust one another so we can create a harmonious community. Without trusting each other we may become enemies with one another thus creating distruption and disturbances on earth. It is essential for a human to build trust with one another. Just like relationships, we need to build that trust.Continue reading “Trust In Allah, Completely And Whole Heartedly.”

Shahadah Is Not Just A Proclamation But Our Main Ibadah Towards Allah As Muslims

“Shahadah is the One and only Pillar for all our Ibadah to be accepted by Allah” In Islam, we believe in Allah as we have been taught from the very childhood itself. Believe in Allah and in His Messenger is the fundamental truth of Islam! Muslims believe in the five pillars of Islam and thusContinue reading “Shahadah Is Not Just A Proclamation But Our Main Ibadah Towards Allah As Muslims”

Only To You Allah, We Submit Ourselves

To You belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. If not for the breath that was breathed into our living soul, we will not be able to take our breath so we only live for You Ya Allah! If not for our heart beating continuously, non stop, our heart only beats for YouContinue reading “Only To You Allah, We Submit Ourselves”

The Secrets Of The Sacred Haj Pilgrimage

It was 10 years ago about this time, almost a decade ago nearing the wuquf day or Arafah Day, I remember those blessed moments …..SubhanaLlah I remembered this special day like it had just happened yesterday. On Arafah Day, by the Rahmah of our beloved Allah, on that Day i was in my sujood –Continue reading “The Secrets Of The Sacred Haj Pilgrimage”

Sacrifices Of Performing Sacred Haj, What Does It Mean?

What is sacrifice? To give something valuable for someone else with full of sincere and sacrificial sense. But the sacrifice here is the ultimate sacrifice of hardship and the arduous journey that we must forsake for Allah. Totally submit ourselves to Allah so that in sha Allah in return, we will be granted with Allah’sContinue reading “Sacrifices Of Performing Sacred Haj, What Does It Mean?”

Fasting On The Day Of Arafah Is An Atonement Of Our Sin The Pevious Year And The Coming Year

Day of Arafah is one of the sacred days in the Islamic calender. The day of Arafah is the day we reached in the plane of Arafah from Makkah and wukuf (stay) in Arafah, doing ibadah until sunset. Wukuf in Arafah which is wajib in performing the ibadah of haj before travelling to Muzdalifah. ForContinue reading “Fasting On The Day Of Arafah Is An Atonement Of Our Sin The Pevious Year And The Coming Year”

Attaining The Rewards For The First 10 Days Of Dzulhijjah

Ibn ‘Abbas reported that Rasulullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: “There are no days in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these ten days.” The people asked,“Not even jihad for the sake of Allah?” He said,“Not even jihad for the sake of Allah, except in the case of a man who wentContinue reading “Attaining The Rewards For The First 10 Days Of Dzulhijjah”

The Sacred Haj Pilgrimage – The 5th Pillar Of Islam

Performing Haj, the Sacred Journey to Makkah Al-Mukarromah – The 5th Pillar of Islam. Islam prescribed Five articles to practice (Arkanul Islam). We have been performing four of them, which are 1) Declaration of Syahadah : to bear witness that there is no god trustworthy to be worshipped except Allah and Nabi Muhammad is HisContinue reading “The Sacred Haj Pilgrimage – The 5th Pillar Of Islam”

The Importance Of Friday / Jumaah

Friday is the best day of the week. There are many significance for Yaumul Jumu’a- Friday. Friday is not only a sacred Day for the Muslims all over the world to perform their obligatory Solah Jumu’a but also It is blessed with many important events such as • Nabi Adam (as) was created on Friday•Continue reading “The Importance Of Friday / Jumaah”

Allah, The Owner Of Our Hearts

Only to Allah belong the dominion of this universe and only He has the power to control over the entire universe, everything – living, non-living and even our hearts. Only Allah is the owner of our hearts! Only He can give the ultimate hidayah by turning our hearts towards Him. Allah created us and HeContinue reading “Allah, The Owner Of Our Hearts”

Glory To Allah

Only to You we ask for help and only to You we ask for protection So please protect us and guide and align us to the straight path Make our hearts steadfast in our religion to You ya Allah Only glory to You that we ask for the best of this world and the nextContinue reading “Glory To Allah”

When Allah Prohibits Us From Eating Some Things, Allah Is Being Merciful To Us

During this period of coronovirus calamity, i now realized that why Allah prohibits us and refrains us from eating certain food….which are Haram food and Muslims are only permitted to eat Halal food. According to the available information Corona virus was discovered from either bats or the pangolin. Only Allah swt knows the truth. ItContinue reading “When Allah Prohibits Us From Eating Some Things, Allah Is Being Merciful To Us”

Will Our Journey To Allah Be In Light Or In Total Darkness?

This life is our epic journey, having to get through such a passage or pathway. Everyone of us needs to get through this journey no matter what the circumstances may be. Allahu Akbar! How do we get through this life journey, totally depends on us. It is our choice to go through the passage inContinue reading “Will Our Journey To Allah Be In Light Or In Total Darkness?”

Allah swt., The Creator Of Everything And For A Purpose

Allah swt creates all the time. Allah swt and His actions are uncomparable. He is also the reason for all the reasons. This is by far, my most favourite topic, Allah swt THE CREATOR. Allah swt created me, Allah swt is also the One Who created you and everything that we can see with ourContinue reading “Allah swt., The Creator Of Everything And For A Purpose”

Charity Begins From Home

The month of Ramadhan came with full of blessings, through Ramadhan Transformation : Purified Heart Personify The Purified Soul thus cleansing our hearts through our fasting and giving abundance of charity to the needy! Giving charity in the month of Ramadhan is highly recommended and it is one of the ways to purify ourselves as prescribedContinue reading “Charity Begins From Home”

Allah Made Us In Different Shades And Colours For A Purpose

Allah swt created all and everything, there is only One Creator and only One mankind, Allah swt created everyone as equal, the best in front of Allah is the most pious man. Every one are equal, all are from one father and one mother that is Adam and Hawa (as). The pious ones are theContinue reading “Allah Made Us In Different Shades And Colours For A Purpose”

Take Small Steps In Religion…. The Next Move After Ramadhan

The month of Shawaal is a month of celebrating our victory in fighting our nafs, our desires and subduing our needs to do more important deeds instead. Shawaal is a month to achive success and to have a progressive continuity towards betterring ourselves to a life of more piety and taqwa than we were before.Continue reading “Take Small Steps In Religion…. The Next Move After Ramadhan”

Dua For The Whole Mankind To The Creator Of Mankind….

Dear Allah, please protect us from the vicious corona virus or covid-19. You are the best of protectors…… We need You dear Allah Dear Allah, please sustain us from all economic frailities for You are the best sustainer…. We need You dear Allah Please send down Your mercy upon us as You are most merciful….Continue reading “Dua For The Whole Mankind To The Creator Of Mankind….”

More Salvation In The Month Of Shawwal

The sacred month of Ramadhan has left us with a feeling of remorse and full of sorrow … with its infinite blessings and rewards that only Allah can bestow upon us. Ya Allah we beg You to grant us thoufeeq to welcome our next Ramadhan soonest with full of sihat wal aafiyyah. Ameeen Ya AllahContinue reading “More Salvation In The Month Of Shawwal”

Physiological Benefits Of Fasting In The Month Of Ramadhan

Allahu Akbar, Time is running very fast! The sacred month of Ramadhan came and went by us. SubhanalLah. Let us cry to Allah swt that all our ibadahs and supplications be granted in this sacred month of Ramadhan to be blessed with Allah’s Rahmah. Let us also pray to our beloved Allah swt that thisContinue reading “Physiological Benefits Of Fasting In The Month Of Ramadhan”

All For You, Allah – Please Accept Our Sincere Ibadah For Ramadhan…

All for You O our beloved Allah🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲 We belong to Allah, all our life is for Allah, in the Name of Allah, for the sake of Allah, we live and die for Allah. Ya Allah accept all our sincere submissions – Ibadah in the month of Ramadhan for You ya Allah. The blessed month ofContinue reading “All For You, Allah – Please Accept Our Sincere Ibadah For Ramadhan…”

Reflections Of Ramadhan

The Muslims all over the world has observed the sacred Ramadhan as a month of fasting, piety, reflecting upon oneself, devotion, generosity and sacrifices. Over many centuries, in the world history, Ramadhan has retained its passionate glories of its spiritual meaning and spreads its unique messages all over the world, Alhamdulillah. Our beloved Prophet MuhammadContinue reading “Reflections Of Ramadhan”

Seeking The Night Of Lailatul Qadr / Night Of Power In The Final 10 Nights

Only Allah swt knows when is the actual night of Lailatul Qadr. According to the indications of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw) it could be expected during the odd nights of the final ten days of Ramadhan, and also our beloved Prophet (saw) used to perform special ibadah and I’tikaf during the last ten daysContinue reading “Seeking The Night Of Lailatul Qadr / Night Of Power In The Final 10 Nights”

Read With Our Body, Mind And Soul – The Message Of Nuzul ul Quran!

Our great manual and directives was sent down in this blessed month as our guidance……The noble Al-Quran! The flawless Book of Guidance for the entire mankind for all the Time. The noble Quran was sent down to our prophet Muhammad (saw) through the angel Jibrael (a). The Al-Quranul Kareem was sent down to be learned,Continue reading “Read With Our Body, Mind And Soul – The Message Of Nuzul ul Quran!”

Our Heartfelt Duas For Our Mothers In This Blessed Month

According to practice, May is generally considered as the month for mothers. Mother’s day are also celebrated in this month all over the world. As it so happens, this month is also our (sibling of 4) beloved mother’s birthday, Allahamdulillah. Our beloved mother is 79 this year, Tabaraka Allah. Thank You our dear ALLAH forContinue reading “Our Heartfelt Duas For Our Mothers In This Blessed Month”

Infinite Rewards For Those Giving Charity In The Month Of Ramadhan

For most of us, giving money in the form of charity is a real sacrifice of the soul……thus the reason why Allah swt encourages us to do it during the sacred month of Ramadhan. It is also part of cleansing of our souls towards getting close to Allah swt. Ramadhan is a blessed month inContinue reading “Infinite Rewards For Those Giving Charity In The Month Of Ramadhan”

Asking For Allah’s Mercy, Forgiveness And Protection During The Three Parts Of Ramadhan

“The beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ reported to have said : It (Ramadan) is the month, which its beginning is mercy, its middle forgiveness, and its end emancipation from the fire (of hell).” The month of Ramadhan is divided to 3 parts or stages which Allah swt has bestowed upon us. The three stages are dividedContinue reading “Asking For Allah’s Mercy, Forgiveness And Protection During The Three Parts Of Ramadhan”

Ramadhan Is Here And The Many Rewards That Come With It!

Ramadhan is the most sacred and spiritual month in our islamic calender. This is the month that our noble AlQuranul Qareem was revealed to our beloved prophet Muhammad saw. This is a truly blessed month in that the doors of hell are closed and the doors of heaven remain opened for the whole of 29/30Continue reading “Ramadhan Is Here And The Many Rewards That Come With It!”

Giving Alms To Others For The Sake Of Allah Is Another Substantial Part Of Our Ibadah

In our submission to Allah swt. there are 2 types of ibadah: Ibadah Solely For Allah, Obeying His Decrees (HabluminaAllah) and submit to ALLAH according to His prescription. Ibadah In obeying the decrees of Allah for safeguarding the dignities, fulfilling the rights of others and helping them for the sake of Allah swt (Habluminnas). HABLUMINALLAHContinue reading “Giving Alms To Others For The Sake Of Allah Is Another Substantial Part Of Our Ibadah”

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